3-Step Process to Develop New Habits

how to break bad habits

3-Step Process to Develop New Habits


Here’s one of my favorite quotes from Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu:


“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”


I love this quote because it perfectly describes how your thoughts shape your character and ultimately determine your destiny. Your destiny isn’t external to you. It isn’t something that happens to you or is handed to you.

develop new habits


It’s something that comes from within you — something that you actively create through your thoughts, words, and actions. So if you want to change your destiny, you have to start within yourself.

Think better thoughts. Say better words. Take better action. Form better habits.

Doing so will transform your entire life.


Today I’d like to share some simple strategies that will make this process easier for you.

Develop New Habits

You’re about to learn to release old thoughts and behaviors that no longer serve you and form powerful new habits that will help you get the results you want in life.

Keep reading to change your destiny by changing your thoughts…

Transform your bad habits in 3 simple steps

how to change bad habits

If you want different results, you must show up in a different way. In this video, you’ll discover how to replace your bad habits with positive behaviors that help you get better outcomes in everything you do

What habits are you ready to let go of?

This week I encourage you to create a list of bad habits that are preventing you from getting more of the results you want in life.

Here are some prompts to get you going:

  • Staying up too late
  • Spending too much time on your phone
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Spending too much money
  • Telling yourself you’re not good enough
  • Giving up before you even get started
  • Smoking/vaping
  • Not cleaning up after yourself
  • Gossiping about others
  • Always assuming the worst

(Do any of those sound familiar to you?)

Once you have finished your list, choose ONE of your bad habits and commit to replacing it with a more positive habit.

For example, if your bad habit is staying up late, commit to going to bed by 10pm from now on. Or if you spend too much time on your phone surfing the web or on social media, commit to going for a 30-minute walk every day or reading a good book instead.

Once you have made your commitment to a new habit, stick to it! Don’t give up until your old habit is gone for good and your new habit has become second nature to you. Because every time you replace a bad habit with a new behavior that gets better results, you move closer to becoming the person you need to be!

To your evolving greatness,


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